BONJOUR! Let's just say that we (most of the members of the former Council) talked and came to a final decision that we're gonna respect each other and stuff. But seriously, we should've made that final decision ages ago. But whatevs, that's history I guess.
Anyways... onto what's gonna happen:
Blog. Blog. I'm gonna blog. Meaning I'm gonna write posts whenever I feel like it, about whatever I feel like, since that's what blogging is (isn't it?). But it's not gonna be one of those "OMG! My first visit to Italy! Here are some pictures of me, some pictures of my friends and family and strangers, and more pictures of me and photography!" and then a long description about what I did, and what I ate, and what I experienced. Nah, that's boring. Instead, if I do go to Italy, there are gonna be stories about embarrassing, hilarious, sad and angry stories and experiences. And also photography cuz... it's a trip to frickin' Italy! There's obviously gonna be pics.
Blog #2. Y'all can write your own posts too. It can be about anything (unless it's inappropriate or rude or inconsiderate or... you get the idea). I'll go through it and if it's A-okay, I'll let it be, give a like and a comment maybe. If it's not, I'll take it down immediately and message you. Please don't sue me. I'm just trying to get through life by using this as a coping mechanism.
Challenges. I have no idea about this. I'm gonna post interesting challenges. Stuff which I think will be fun for everyone. I wrote a few examples on the 'About' page, now I just need to test, write and post them.
Groups. There are groups about art, cooking, school, books, food and movies.
And... I guess that's it for now. If anything else comes up, I'll tell you about it. But right now, let's just continue about what I'm going to write about:
Hacks, tips and tricks
Interesting experiences
Books and movies rants, recommendations, reviews
Stuff to think about
Well, that's it for now. I'll see you in the next post. Enjoy.