About The Coven of Dolphins
Where Teenager Conquers World
Generation Z... ah... it's so fun doing and saying things which make other people look at you weirdly and question your sanity.
The Coven of Dolphins is just a place for you to be... well, you. Mainly people my age. I'm May.
What's so good about the COD (Coven of Dolphins)? Well, it really depends what you're looking for.
I got a blog with categories like 'Activities and Hacks', 'Books and Movies', 'Original Stories', 'Psychological tips' and 'Islam and Hijabis'.
There's also a Forum where you can post about legit anything. I may or may not agree with you and we can just talk till midnight about your ailments or you can find someone else who will be willing to talk about it.
I got them Challenges where you can try new stuff.
Benefits of being a member:
You can participate in Challenges
You can write your own blog posts
You can earn badges
You can like and comment on blog and forum posts
You can post on Forum
But before you become a member, we value anonymity so sign in to become a member, go to 'My Profile', click 'edit' then change your name and icon. Please.